Export text from courses
I would love to be able to create a course fully text based (+ assignments) and then press a button that exports all the text in the course to a word AND a pdf document that I can save to review and edit my content to ensure flow and consistency, to have as a backup or to share the content with others as a document instead. Currently I’m creating courses straight into new zenler because the layout beautifully matches how my brain works and I have a word document open simultaneously where I copy and paste everything I write into another document. It’s a lot of work. I also do this for assignment content and notification emails as a reference which I need for various reasons that I won’t go into here! It makes it a much bigger job! I am also writing a book and I use an online platform that does allow me to export and create backups to word AND pdf. It would be extra amazing (this is me dreaming of what you’d have in a perfect world with no technicalities to consider) if you could select…
- export to word AND/OR pdf
- What text based content you want to export…
a) the text and/or
b) assignments and/or
c) email notifications.
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