Brand New Survey's
Rakesh Vallil
We recently launched the brand new quiz feature and have received fantastic responses during early access. Early Users appreciate its interactivity, ease of use, and significant impact on engagement and course completion rates. Same need to be done for old Survey feature as well.
The decision to revamp Surveys stemmed from the realization that the old functionality fell short. Repeat the success of new quizzes with the new survey tool as well!
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Rakesh Vallil
🔥 Brand New Surveys - Now in! 🔥
Exciting news! We have just shipped the brand new survey feature that replaces the old dated surveys.
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The decision to revamp surveys came from the fact that the old survey functionality fell short. We have now built a new, intuitive survey experience for both instructors and attendees from ground up.
Developed with cutting-edge technology, we are thrilled to announce the public launch of this new enterprise-level survey functionality.
🚀 Brand New Surveys:
Create great surveys with different survey question types and reports:
✅ Multiple choice
✅ Multiple Response
✅ Media
✅ Rating
✅ Scale
✅ Free Text
✅ Reporting for Surveys
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Now, that we have built a solid foundation for surveys, coming up next will be ability to create any types of branching and also ability to create Survey funnels for lead generation so stay tuned!
PS: Any issues, do NOT post here talk to
Rakesh Vallil
in progress