Automated Zenler Zoom Links
Given Zenler’s Lives don’t have a functioning booking calendar, I would love to see Zenler Zoom integrate with TidyCal to create automated Zenler Zoom Links. I create booking types in TidyCal and then have to create Zenler Live Classes later with the specified booking time and email again with the Zenler Zoom Link. This creates a lot of work. In the meantime, it would be helpful if Zenler Live Classes could be created with a button that allows time and date to be scheduled once the booking is finalised in TidyCal. This would mean I could create the Zenler Live Class and Zenler Zoom Link and use the Zenler Zoom Link in individualised TidyCal Bookings.
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1-1 bookings helps with this but I still have to go back later to change the date and time. It would be great if we could select “date and time to be specified later”