- In the email broadcast, if the "from" email address is from a non-authenticated domain, display a warning message.
- Mobile APP - API to get video embed content in a lesson shows invalid video - Fixed
- Fixed an issue where affiliate commissions were incorrectly shown as zero for courses not covered by their promotion permissions.
- An error message saying 'undefined' is showing while trying to purchase a course plan with trial using saved card in stripe - fixed
- The Partner badge button is clickable even outside the button area.
- Sitemap includes all the pages of the site, even those for which the "Show in search results" has been toggled OFF issue solved
- Live Class: The Live Class Thumbnail is missing in the Live Class overview, Automation Detail view- fixed
- Oops page while adding Live class to course contents. issue solved
- The preview of the lesson with the Live Class seems to be empty/blank. issue solved
- After purchasing a course with an order bump using a 3D card and a 100% coupon that applies only to the main course, the user is not getting enrolled into the order bump course - fixed