AI Question generation support in quiz app.
  1. Fixed issue - unable to join live class (added in course), if the user not already registered .
  2. Color changes made to the page footer from site branding are not reflecting on the pages→ bug fixed
  3. Unable to save the changes made to the colors in site branding → bug fixed
  4. The description under the pricing plan is not displaying completely on the pricing block- Fixed
  5. Language support added for live sessions
  6. The GDPR consent checkbox is not shown on the free live webinar popup form- fixed
  7. The Email Broadcasts listing filter only works on the first page; when navigating to the second page, the filter condition is not applied-fixed
  8. Added minimum and maximum character limits for the media library title field
  9. An incorrect canonical URL has been set for the inner pages of the blog (such as blog posts and categories)- fixed
  10. 1-1 bookings recurring session are not shown in the course curriculum upcoming live sessions popup- fixed
  11. Fixed a bug causing profile name changes from lowercase to uppercase.
  12. Fixed issue preventing scrolling to view complete Meta Pixel code due to box size limitation in site->site settings ->Global inludes
  13. Fixed issue where, after clicking 'Make this action live' ' in email automation for lesson completion without saving email changes, the system prompted to save changes, resulting in duplicate success messages and failure to close the box
  14. The thumbnail of the thank you page under course pages shows Oops, Bug fixed